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When l went to school in another city for my studies, it was hard to adapt tothe new environment and the separation from my old friends made me sadand anxious.Sol started to think about the meaning of separatior |tried to use different colours to express the changes in my emotions afterbeing separated from my friends and to record the elements that surroundecme at each stage of my life in the form of drawings and photographs. lrecorded them in the form of an emotional diary. Finally, all the elements were gathered together and painted into a series of illustrationsIn the form of a series of illustrations, l want to show the process and theemotions in between to resonate with people who have been through thesame experience or are going through it. lt is also intended to show thisprocess and emotion in a visual form to those who have not experiencecfriendship. lt is hoped that through this work people will realise theimportance of friendship and appreciate the friendships they have now, andthat they will be able to reconcile themselves from their negative emotionsand adapt more quickly to new situations and people, even if they haveparted from their previous friendships.
I found that l spent a lot more time in the bathroom at home than anyoneelse.l started paying attention and recording what l did in the bathroomthink the bathroom is a spiritual refuge for me, providing me with asufficienty private soaCeSo conducted a survev on menta shetersasking the people around meabout the meaning of mental shelters fothem and what their forms of shelters are. After receiving the answerssummarize the common points of different mental shelters: providing asense of security, replenishing energy, and venting emotions Through my daily observations and inguiries from classmates around meI found that some teenagers are unwilling to return home on time due tosnecia reasons unable to return to the she ter at home So hone toprovide a movable, private and hidden space in the shape of sea urchins forthis aroup of teenagers in the community. in this space, they can do whatthey want to do. Obtain energy and a sense of security from this privatespace, and regulate one's emotions and mindset. l have created a foliobooklet for this device, presenting a comparison of whether people have movable mental shelters or not.
My results on the mbti personality test indicate that l am an INFPmediator. When l looked up the characteristics of INFPs online, l foundthat most NFPs have severe procrastination beaan to think about my daily life, whether it is bia or small. have ahabit of procrastinating, until the deadline is approaching to complete alarge number of tasks in a short time. So l surveyed people around meand on the Internet about different attitudes towards procrastination andbegan to pay attention to how l dealt with procrastination on a daily basisand my own attitudes towards procrastination Finally, l chose the most memorable story about me and procrastinationand made it into a picture book.l hope l can empathize with peopleike me who suffer from procrastination and tell those who are overhprejudiced against it that procrastination is not so terrible. Althoughdoes cause us some unnecessary trouble, it can also bring us someother benefits on the other hand. For example, creating a leisurely timein our stressful lives to relieve our stress.
I want to express to the audience that is not a derogatory term to wear a mask to get along with others