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This project presents the entire process of my growth through challenges toembracing and discovering myself against the backdrop of my experiencestudying abroad in Canada. l documented this feeling of gaining new lifethrough self-discovery in a picture book format. in terms of medium l chose topresent the workin panels and printed it out.
"My inspiration comes from my own life experiences, particularly the profound impact of my father's lovefor travel. Guided by him, l have traveled and lived in various places, each leaving an indelible expressionon me. These four illustrations are lilke a visual memoir, capturing the essence and unique atmospheres othe historical cities .in each artwork, ethereal sprites embody the spirit of the locales, drawing inspiration from the locals, wildlife,significant objects, and the rich historical narratives. And l want to show the cultural diversity, architecture,and distinctive 'yibes' that have fascinated me in each, place, lt's my way of preserying and sharina theatmospheric imprints left on me by these remarkable destinations.