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Ine Town is located in the northeaster part of the Tango Peninsula in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture, lt is one of the 18 mosibeautiful vilages in Japan. With the development of Japanese society in recent years. the local young people of Egan Town havegradually migrated to the surrounding cities, and the local population has a serious aging problem. The local economy has beerhit hard by the lack of production capacity of the fishing industry, which used to be the livelihood of people, due to the problem oishing by large fishing vessels. This project is committed to building a new residential area for local people around the old town orthe basis of preserving the characteristics of local life through the study of the original houseboat and people's lifestyle. Residentscan move to new setlements, remodel their houseboats and rent them out to tourists, and make it easier to grow crops in themountains instead of fishing. To help improve the quality of life of local residents by promoting tourism and agriculture.
This project is a renovation located in the Ladwell area of Lewisham, London, UK The original site, known as Ladvwel Bath.was a public bathhouse built in 1884. Due to the ravages of war and a lack of maintenance, it has now fallen into a state ofdisuse. I have undertaken the transformation of this site. analyzing its original function and converting it into a fitness center.The original purpose of the public bathhouse was to assist people in maintaining health and avoiding llnesses, aligning withthe contemporary goals of fitness gyms and sports centers, This served as the basis for my functional derivation. Through thisfitness center, connections within the Ladywell area and interactions among residents can become more tightly knit. Researchindicates that Ladywel Bath has gradually become abandoned, diminishing the exchanges between the surounding areas. Thefitness center aims to provide a social and interactive space, strengthening the connections within the Ladywell community.
Ine Town is located in the northeastern part of the Tango Peninsula in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture. lt is oneof the 18 most beautiful villages in Japan. With the development of Japanese society in recent years, the local youngpeople of Egan Town have gradually migrated to the surrounding cities, and the local population has a serious agingproblem. The local economy has been hit hard by the lack of production capacity of the fishing industry, which usedto be the livelihood of people, due to the problem of fishing by large fishing vessels. This project is committed tobuilding a new residential area for local people around the old town on the basis of preserving the characteristics oflocal life through the study of the original houseboat and people's lifestyle. Residents can move to new settlements.remodel their houseboats and rent them out to tourists, and make it easier to grow crops in the mountains instead offishing. To help improve the quality of life of local residents by promoting tourism and agriculture.