  • 項(xiàng)目1
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Hong Kong, as a dynamic and innovative city, has been actively promoting urban devel-opment.However, with the passage of time, a large number of residential buildings of theast century have been left behind in the urban renewal, and gradually become anobstacle to urban development. These buildings are often in disrepalr, thelr spatial env-ronment has not adapted to the needs of modern life, and there may be legal and propertyrights issues, resulting in a series of problems. The spatial environment of these buildingsis usually very narrow, which is not sultable for the life of modern families. Residents mayface crowded and maladaptive conditions, lacking adequate privacy and leisure spaceThis can negatively affect their quality of life. The old buildings can no longer be dismantled, and the narrow space does not allow alarge number of transformations. Therefore, a comprehensive approach should beadopted in the process of updating the living environment Therefore, this design startsfrom the gap of the buildings in the old city of Hong Kong, and uses the gap of the build-ings to provide more cudoor activity platforrms for the design of the site. so as to alleviatethe problems of the space environment At the same time, sustalnable concepts such asyertical greening are introduced to create a new dynamic community patterm thatadvances together with the city.
Sanxingdui is one of the earliest large sites discovered at the beginning of modern archaeologyin China. Sanxingdui has attracted the attention of the world for its long history, exquisltecultural relics, unique culture and mystery, With a history of about 4000-5000 years, it is thecenter of the oldest ancient Shu State in the Chengdu Plain, and it is at the center of a seriesof anclent cultural sltes ln successlon wlth it. There wlll also be a serles of sltes surroundingit. Therefore, the discowery of Sanxingdui has special historical significance for archaeology.history and anthropology. As an important object of China's Bashu Sanxingdui culture, bronze has rich and vividdecorative patterns, which is an important embodiment of the anclent thought and culture.lts pattern pattern has also produced modern architectural design. Under the idea ofdiscrete parametric design, the traditional Luban lock has been explored and tried in termsof shape, materlal, function and concept, providing more design ideas for the developmentand appllcatlon of mortlse and tenon structure. The traditlonal mortlse and tenonelement symbols can be used to design modern design with Chinese traditional culturalcharacteristics, tradition and sense of the times.
With the rapid developrent of China's toy industry, the domestic builkding block market hasbeen in full bloom in recent years, and children's intellectual enlightenment has become moreand more important. At the same time, a new generation of young people are also seekingmare yuan and more interesting ways to meet their own needs. Compared with other toycategorles, bullding blocks hawe the characterlstics of all ages and all genders. At the sametime, in recent years, bullding blocks and iP co-branding have also attracted consumers of allages. The new playing method of building blocks+STEAM education makes building blocksjump out of the attributes of toys and develop into the fleld of educatlon. The domestlcbuilkding block toy market ushers in huge imagination space. As an elerment symbol of Chinese building block culture, mortise and tenon structure can beapplied to modern design as an element symbol in modern design. This expansion designcan break the conventional practice of traditional mortlse and tenon structure. Under thethought of discrete parametric design, the traditional Luban lock is explored and triedin terms of shape, material, function and concept, providing more design ideas for thedevelopment and appllcatlon of mortise and tenon structure, and can use the traditlonamartise and tenan element symbols to design a modern design with Chinese traditionalcultural characteristics, tradition and sense of the times.
The focus of the work revolves around the concept of "constructed futures". This termdescribes architecture, therefore fundamentally speaking the future of humanity is theresult of architects integrating fundarertal principles. Architectural logc, spatial innowa-tlon, type organizatlon, envronmental and structural performance are all negotiated in ahighly iterative process driven by intensive architectural surveys. In biolocical and non Biological system, the inspiration of the internal principles of organizational intelligence can be observed in all spatial arrargermerts that are critical to theaverall performance of any developed order, Through a profound understanding of struc-tural principles, the creation of highly developed bullding systems is unprecedented intermms of innovation and researchability, where spatial organization arises fromm mutualinfluence. Understand this interaction through targeted fterations of spatial models.revealing logical liniks while generating ambitious and speculative architectures.