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A diabetic-friendly electronic scale not only shows thefood's weight but also its sugar content to aid in dietarycontrol. lt uses the Urge Surfing theory alongside foodclips, encouraging users to wait for five minutes beforeopening the bag, promoting self-control and healthyhabits.
Root-system plants play a crucial rolein agricultural production; however, thepresence of leek moth poses a seriousthreat to their health and yield. This experiment aims to protect theroots, particularly in chive cultivation,from pests like onion fly larvae byutilizing biodegradable materials.
This installation breaks the traditionalChinese culture's definition of the needto express emotions in an implicit andrestrained way.lt emphasizes that theemotions between people need to beexpressed, so that the loved one canfeel love directly and accurately.
A lamp designed for dad to participate in parenting thatmust be pulled by hand. My goal is to improve the lives of new mothers throughconcrete actions that address the negative impacts ofthese issues,such as postpartum depression.