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Miami is a rapidly growing city with a significant increase inrelocating residents, leading to traffic issues, particularly in theparking, making it nearly impossible to find parking spaces bymere visual inspection. However, there are many concealed oroff-main-street parking spaces in miami. based on myobservations and experiences, iaim to design a comprehensiveparking service system,encompassing both a product and anapp. this system is intended to help residents efficiently locateparking spaces while effectively utilizing those parking facilitiesthat are challenging to uncover.
Fitness is a globally popular lifestyle, contributing significantlyto overall well-being. however, without the proper knowledgeand execution of exercises, it can lead to unnecessary injuriesand dangers, even posing life-threatening risks. In this project, iwill use muscle sensor and distance sensor to design a set ofwearable fitness equipment, via muscle distance detection.
due to rising carbon dioxide levels, earth's natural regions likethe arctic, deserts, and oceans are experiencingunprecedented changes. predicting future impacts ischallenging. to understand potential effects, i plan to usesimulation devices to replicate these environments, subjectingthem to amplified harm for observation.
This is an ar rescue game to save subway passengers in newyork station. MTA transit has millions of passengers and nosecurity and screen doors; passengers may fall into the subwaytracks anytime. The player's role is security, finding thepassengers falling into the railway as soon as possible andfinding the correct tools to rescue them before the subway intothe station.