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Many kids can't control themselves to catch andseize something and crawl into gaps, buildingtheir perception of bodies and space bycomparing their bodies with space. However, aswe grow up, our perception of space is morelimited to data, concepts, and norms, withoutexperiencing spaces with our own bodies. Thisactually limits our understanding of space. Through experimental images and performance, lshowed adults and children's way of exploringspace, with translucent thin films constructingmany spaces. lt also symbolizes stereotype thatlimits our cognition. As the adult behaviorschange into children's behaviors, l rip and dragthese thin films, trying to get rid of the bondage.and finally, making the largest space that isunified and free. lt is to tell people that only whenwe feel things with our bodies without beinglimited to stereotypes can we understand themmore comprehensively and vividly.
The rise of environmentalprotection awareness has mademany people take action to protectour environment, but sometimeswhat they do only focuses on theforms and even makes pollutionworse instead of truly saving energyand reducing emissions. I depicted a day of superficialenvironmental protection to viewersthrough the narrative experimentalimages. In the video, people weargreen glasses, through which theysee every behavior as eco-friendly.Then will be found out as theirmasks break, which forces to facethe truth.
Everyone is, to some degree, addicted to something. Sickaddiction will cause severe problems to people as well associety.l have suffered from cigarette addiction for along time, therefore,l chose the theme for my project towarn people of it. I showed how people get addicted through a vendingmachine to deeply explore the influence of sickaddiction.In the beginning, people just buy products outof curiosity.However, gradually, they become obsessedwith it and then lose control of themselves, and, finally.they are addicted to it. Through the visual and audiotransmission and the interactions with the vendingmachine, l hope people can be aware that addiction willdestroy our physical and mental health deprive us ofreason and freedom, and harm society, so that they canstay alert and avoid being addicted.
As society advances,many young people are holding alove concept that is not veryhealthy-Situationship. Therelationship seems to be easy and happy, but it may leavepeople in a void as they change partners quickly.Besides,it may lead to negative emotions, such as anxiety andfrustration,causing an emotional black hole, which neverbe filled by sex and love. As a victim of Situationship, lhope people can understandsuchrelationships correctly.Through experimentalequipment,lwant to guide people's behaviors andvisualize their feelings.The installation controls anotherone inspired by the phenomenon that water and oil can'tbe combined to visualize the relationship,allowingexperiencers to perceive it deeply with more senses.Thenthey will find that the void in the inner world cannot beenriched at all,and it mayeven contaminate themselves.So, the project is to remind people to avoid such unhealthyrelationships.