  • 項目1
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I want to ameliorate the problem of declining intimacy be.tween middle-aged couples.The program focuses on pro-moting physical intimacy through innovative interactionsinvolving clothing.
with more and morefragmented information, theworld is becoming more andmore wonderful,attractingpeople's constant attention,sometimes resulting in adecrease in work and studyefficiency.
I found that factories nowadaysare using some soitware toprovide financial management andinventory intormationmanagement, but because of thevariety of factories, individuaneeds are strong.
Highly Sensitive People (HSP)are often sensitive to stimuli andsusceptible to emotional andenvironmental influences. Thisproject aims to help ordinarypeople gain a deeper under-standing of the everyday experi-ences of HSPs, thereby promot-ing greater understanding andinclusion.