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From my own experience, l found that in China there are many siblingswith a large age gap where a generation gap emerges, resulting in adistant relationship and a lack of emotional connection. After deciding to choose siblings with an age gap of 4 to 9 years as mytarget groups, I learnt through interviews that they do want to improvetheir relationship, but lack of ways to do so. In the process of primary research, l observed the interactions of asibling. From there, l found that board games can effectively enhance therelationship between siblings. Therefore, l designed a cooperative board game for two people withcooking as the theme.
In the future, 500 years from now, human activities will lead to the gradual thinning of the Earth'sozone layer, exposing it to unfiltered ultraviolet rays and posing global challenges to climate and theenvironment. Faced with this crisis, humanity will universally choose to migrate underground. seeking for new ways to survive.However, underground life will bring new challenges, with the most pressing one being waterscarcity, The depletion rate of underaround water will exceed its natural replenishment capacity.resulting in an inadequate water supply. To address the scarcity of water resources during showering, an innovative product inspired by treeroots will emerge. it captures shower mist and efficiently recycle water, becoming a crucial andsustainable water resource solution for underground living.
From my doubts about the meaning of life, observed young people through social media and found thatit is common for us to feel lost in the material world and draw the conclusion of "life is boring" or " life ismeaningless" I recalled the book that helped me with my doubts, Thiaoouba Prophecy. so l analyzed the world view ofthe book and the values it promotes. it encourages people to become more focused on love and mind,rather than material desires. The universe in this book was created by "the Holy Spirit" and all the souls of living beings are parts ofit. The planets are sorted into nine categories, and Earth is a category one(the most basic) planet. Onlyby collecting good experiences and improving spirituality it is possible to go to a higher category planetin the next life. Through the user journey map, l understood the entry point and their needs. l decided to apply thebackground and concept of Thiaoouba Prophecy to desian an app that could provide quidance to thelost and help them to be aware of themselves and grow spiritually.
In recent times, due to puberty onset at an earlier age, it has become increasingly common for adolescents to fall in love with the opposite sex. Nonetheless,Chinese parents and educators hold negative views towards teenage relation-ships due to misconcepfions and academic reasons. I was inspired by my own personal experiences and problems with relationships,and when l searched for knowledge and solutions, l found that there were veryfew channels to learn about them. In this project, l designed an installation that looks like an envelope, and when you openit, the interface allows you to use the functions to learn about relationships, communicateeffectively with your lover, and discuss with peers of a similar age.