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Inspired by Brazil's Gaviao region'sdevelopment, this project aims to explorecultural and resource destruction caused bymodern transformations. An immersivegame has been designed, allowing players tobecome a developer and consider the effectsof their actions on traditional cultures. Beyond being an interactive experience, thegame serves as a reflective tool tounderstand theimpact of development. Thegoal is to foster mindfulness and protectiveefforts for irreplaceable cultural resources.
Baidu Wenku is an interactive documentsharing platform owned by Baidu inc. Thespecific content is for users to uploaddocuments, and other users need to payor apply for membership whendownloading or reading, and BaiduWenku then takes intermediary fees
Today, with the rapid development of science andtechnology, information becomes readily available...Doestechnology drive us apart or closer together?
This service provides a Web-1.0-style informationsource to help groups with poor discrimination orinsufficient preparation time to enjoy travel better andfaster, reducing a variety of unnecessary burdens intravel. This design combines online app design andoffline material design to provide all-round service touser groups and ensure travel experience. And boostthe local economy.